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    Chicago Marathon FINISHER!

    6 Hours, 29 neighborhood and numerous gel packs later, Chicago Marathon 2008 is finished! The temp reached 84 degrees that day, and 33,000 runners participated.

    A big thank you to all of my supporters for helping to make it happen. Adrienne and Dave made sure I was fueled at mile 9, Teri met up with me at mile 13 to run by my side through the hottest part of the race, I bumped into Rodrigo and Addy at mile 18 while grabbing more gel packs, and Rodrigo found me on the bridge and sprinted the last 200 meters with me (in his flip flops!). It was awesome!

    And even more amazing is over $700 will be donated to Hope Runs, which will help its children's program in Tanzania and Kenya. Read more about it at www.hoperuns.org. And fittingly so, the male Kenyans dominated the race this year. Read the Tribune's coverage here.

    Along with all the congrats and hugs and handshakes, a question I keep getting is will I do it again next year. If you asked me around mile 23, the answer would have been a exasperated, exhausted and angry " NO WAY!" But a month has passed, the pain wore off, so only more time will tell. Running is addictive so odds are, another marathon is on the horizon. :)

    Friday, March 27, 2009

    No South Side Irish Parade? Blasphemy!

    The announcement to cancel the annual South Side Irish Parade, which takes place on Western with the the mayhem extending throughout Beverly and Mt. Greenwood, shocked many of its fans. Immediately groups popped up on facebook demanding that planners stick to tradition; an online petition has garnered over 1,200 signatures in 2 days; and it made all the newspaper headlines.

    My friends and I had our own rambunctious time this year when one of the guys in our group was attacked by a mob of unruly teens. We were less than 4 blocks from my house, walking to the parade and minding our own business. Needless to say, he went to the hospital in an ambulance and the punks that were initially caught by the cops were later released (with no record of the 'arrest').

    I asked some people what they thought about the cancellation. While comments on the Trib's website and calls to Alderman's office apparently are in favor of the parade nix, many are pissed. A lot recognize something needed to change to control what was becoming Mardi Gras fiasco on the south side.

    Here's what some had to say:

    I went to Brother Rice High School with lots of Beverly kids. I'm definitely upset about the loss of the parade, but I know that people are not going to let this decision stand too easily.

    I do understand the problem with what the parade has become, but I'm not going to be able to give it up without a fight. The South Side Parade is a point of pride for us. It's a way for us to not only celebrate our heritage, but also make a statement to the North side about how we can throw a better parade than they can.

    The city parade is so commercialized that it might as well be a Macy's Parade with shamrocks. The South Side is the only place in Chicago that doesn't try to be Irish on St. Patrick's Day because we're Irish all year long. The Parade day isn't a day you have to find some beer and get wasted. It's a day we all get to wear the outfits we secretly want to wear all year, and get a whole day to drink and eat with our family and friends. It's the only day that I can confidently say that there is no better place to be.

    I assume that's why we grew to such a huge number of parade goers. The North Siders must have been jealous, and had to come see for themselves. The problem is when they come down in hoards, get way too drunk, and disrespect the neighborhood. Not being from here they don't have enough pride to throw their beer in a garbage bin, and pee in the designated places. A few less of those people would be fine with me. I know the South is going to keep the true spirit of the parade alive however we can. It's about pride for us not just getting hammered with shamrocks. -Greg Miller, 23, Oak Lawn


    I think that the decision to end the parade is a terrible shame. The parade isn't just a celebration of Irish heritage or even a drunk fest. Its about friends and family. What I looked forward to most about the SSI parade was the number of old friends I'd see walking towards western and reconnecting with them. For one day a year, the people of the south side would come together and forget about all their problems and just have a good time. I am not willing to let that go and will be on Western next march and encourage my friends and their friends to meet me there. - Mike, 21, Evergreen Park (Note: full name is Michael Timothy Patrick Murphy; can you get any more Irish than that?!)


    I think the practice of bringing crowds of people in on charter buses should end. On one end, it's better than having drunk drivers. However, its more people than what the neighborhood can deal with, and the wrong types of people on top of that. I think the parade should go back to it's roots of being a strictly-neighborhood event with family-friendly sights. I also think the CTA should run the Western bus straight from its inception to Beverly for the parade without transfers just for the day, they do this for events at United Center with the Madison bus. - Al DiZenzo, 24


    I think it's a bad idea. A few years ago they were "really going to crack down on public drinking" but this year I didn't see the cops doing anything about it. Some of them were telling kids and adults to "pour it into a plastic cup" so they didn't have to arrest them. Clearly, they don't have all the resources to arrest 200,000 drunk idiots, but I think if they could try and crack down on that, and the party buses bringing in people from god-knows-where, then the parade would be less of a "drunken festival" and a better event for families and people who don't attend purely to get drunk off their asses. - Angie Frazzini Gazdziak, 24


    Hooray! Actually, here is my real thought: I think if they cracked down on underage drinking and didn't allow for those stupid buses bringing northsiders (no offense), then it would less crowded and less chaotic. However, consider the events of this past parade, i would say crack down on the little punks! - Kathy Smola, 23, Midway


    I think the decision to end the parade is just ridiculous, they don't realize that they are cancelling a tradition that affects not only those on the southside, but also the rest of Chicago and the world.The southside parade has become more than just a parade but a tradition that has been passed through the years. I know for me, it was an event that I had to wait until I was 16 to attend, and that day couldn't come soon enough. It's just heartbreaking to see that they are going to let it die like this.

    We are so nervous about how our business will be affected by the cancellation of the parade. - Erin, 21 (her mom owns an Irish novelties shop)

    Friday, finally!

    Adrienne and I are going to check out the health expo this evening and pick up our packets. Yah, can't wait for the race tee! Shamrock Shuffle always has the coolest tees.

    I'm halfway home to reaching my fundraising goal! My fifth sponsor is Susan Donovan, the accountant for Loran Marketing, where I interned at during college. Sue & I grabbed lunch last summer to catch up on things - she's still avid activist and supporter of the World Can't Wait campaign. She's the one who keeps me up-to-date on the important issues that aren't getting enough attention. Thanks for your donation, Sue, and your commitment to the anti-war and anti-torture movements!

    Only 5 sponsors to go with 2 days left... I think I can, I think I can...

    Thursday, March 26, 2009

    Be like Buddha

    Buddha teaches us to be grateful, right?

    I received 2 more sponsors today: Kathy Smola, my Queen of Peace amie, gave $20. She also sponsored me back when I ran the marathon. Ms. StarryEyedd4U is a total rock star!

    My aunt who lives in England, Rosemary Harrison, also donated. I saw her about a year ago when she came to Chicago with her husband David to meet and visit my grandparents for the very first time. It was a fun family reunion! Rosemary is a traveler and cultural connoisseur like myself (maybe that's where I get it) -- she traveled to India last summer and had a magnificent time. These are her pics from her trip!

    Thanks again, Kat & Rosemary!

    Wednesday, March 25, 2009

    I'm a runner AND a rider

    Just got back from 5 day trip to Killington, Vermont, where I snowboarded for 3 days straight, at least 6 hours each day, with Rodrigo and his family. It was a blast! Those mountains were definitely intense-- at times my fear of heights got the best of me! I'd have to say riding (as the snowboarders call it) is one of the more extreme things I've done. It takes a lot of practice but once you get the hang of it, it's so beautiful; it's like dancing on the snow.

    I received my second sponsor - my great college partner-in-crime, Aki Ogawa! She's now working in Japan for a non-profit. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years, and I really miss her! We worked together on the Global Health Campaign at Loyola, formerly the Student Campaign for Child Survival. Aki is a die-hard advocate for human rights, especially the health rights of women and children. Dear Aki, MERCI for your $50 donation. I will see you again soon, mon amie!

    Here's a cool blog badge from a Chicago agency that does great work for immigrants.

    Thursday, March 19, 2009

    Crazy, busy fun

    I received my first sponsor - Michael Wolfe, a college buddy from back in the day (we met as freshies). He's out in Cali now, pursuing his movie star dreams. Thanks for donating to Hope Runs, Mike!

    Yesterday was Addy's birthday. In typical fashion we celebrated at O'Malleys. I gave her a pair of goofy socks (it's a tradition) and a dry fit long-sleeve Shamrock Shuffle shirt. Nike is sponsoring the race so they have some really cool gear.

    Well, tomorrow I leave for Vermont for a snowboarding weekend with Mr. Rodrigo & his family. Very excited to hit the slopes!

    Tuesday, March 17, 2009

    Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Hordes of people wearing green roamed the streets of downtown Chicago today, celebrating both St. Patrick's Day and the beautiful 60-plus degree weather. Yesterday I went for a sweet 3 mile run along the lake front. Spring/summer is just on the horizon!

    My fav St. Paddy's Day story (article is from the Trib):

    WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House is going green for St. Patrick's Day.

    The water in the fountains on the north and south lawns of the White House has been dyed green to mark the national holiday of Ireland.

    First Lady Michelle Obama came up with the idea for the festive touch, said spokeswoman Katie McCormick Lelyveld. She was inspired by the St. Patrick's Day celebrations in her hometown of Chicago, where the city marks the holiday by dyeing the river green.

    "It's a little piece of home for our new home," said Lelyveld, who is also from Chicago.

    Lelyveld said it's the first time the water in the White House fountains has been dyed. The green hue will stay until the dye runs outs.

    President Barack Obama marks St. Patrick's Day with separate meetings in Washington with Irish leaders and he'll also attend St. Patrick's Day events in the White House and on Capitol Hill.


    Monday, March 9, 2009

    A little help from my friends

    This week I am launching two fundraising initiatives. First, I reached out to my track & field girls at Queen of Peace High School to see if they could sponsor a micro-fundraiser of their own. Pending administrative approval, the gals will sell mini green Gatorades on St. Patty's Day to raise some cash and awareness. This effort is being led by coach Mallory Grieger (QOP c/o 2007) and Mo Foley (c/o 2009). I have no doubt the Peace girls will pull through!

    Secondly, I'm challenging my friends and family to raise a glass of Guinness to Hope Runs this holiday by sponsoring me in the Shamrock Shuffle for at least $17. I aim to get 10 folks to give. Totally possible. The Chi-Irish (my new fav word) are always generous!